December 24th, 2018
New Renato Community Society – Zambia
Christmas Greetings
Dear Friends of New Renato Community Cezechi Republic.
We are greeting you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ who is going to be born and bring the great salvation, peace and love.
Wish you Merry Christmas and Prosperous New year.
NRCS – Staff / Volunteers
December 24th, 2018
New Renato Community Society – Zambia
Christmas Greetings
Dear Friends of New Renato Community Cezechi Republic.
We are greeting you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ who is going to be born and bring the great salvation, peace and love.
Wish you Merry Christmas and Prosperous New year.
NRCS – Staff / Volunteers
December 24th, 2018
New Renato Community Society – Zambia
Christmas Greetings
Dear Friends of New Renato Community Cezechi Republic.
We are greeting you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ who is going to be born and bring the great salvation, peace and love.
Wish you Merry Christmas and Prosperous New year.
NRCS – Staff / Volunteers
July 29th, 2018
On 20th of July, 2018. We New Renato team welcomed our partners and we were very happy. During their visit we discussed about High School Project. Below are the pictures showing what gifts we received as NRCS team and other activities that were done.
June 16th, 2016
We sent you several photos on Easter time, a house renovation and powering a house in Zambia. We really appreciates all the support thanks to which events move quickly and our situation is getting better.
December 31st, 2013
I said a prayer for all of you today.
And know god must have heard.
i felt the answer in my heart.
Although he spoke no word.
I didn’t ask for wealth or fame
I knew you wouldn/t mind.
I asked him to send treasures.
of afar more lasting kind.
I asked that HE would be always near you
At the start of this NEW YEAR 2014
and each new day to grant you health and blessings
And friends to share you way.
I asked for happiness for you all
In all things great and small
But it was for is loving care
I prayed the most of all.
September 4th, 2013

The documentary film Bemba: Waiting for Godot had the World Premiere at Film Festival by World Youth Day in Rio July 24th 2013.
movie director: Monika Hoferova
The documentary film shows encountering of two cultures, two viewpoints of the world (European and African). People from Europe came to help with education to Africa. And for this decesion, they received many values, experience in themselves and others.They experienced communication between cultures, different outlooks.
Young people were volonteering for 1 year in Salesian highschools. Travellers tell about their experience in Christian non-govenmental society New Renato Community Society and their activities in Zambia.
Film official web
September 3rd, 2013
Czech students and teachers regularly visit New Renato Community as part of their practical internships in Zambia. This internships are organized through project “Strengthening the competitiveness of the Mendel University graduates in the field of development cooperation and management of natural resources in the Third World” every year. Students successfully prepare their proposals for development projects and thesis thanks to cooperation with NRCS. They also gain unique experiences that help them in their personal development and self-realization in the labor market.
Mgr. et Mgr. Miroslav Horák, Ph.D.
Vedoucí Ústavu jazykových a kulturních studií
Fakulta regionálního rozvoje a mezinárodních studií
Mendelova univerzita v Brně

January 30th, 2013
During the last weeks was establish contact with the Spanish organization Manos Unidas which would like to support the New Renato Community and the contruction of new blocks of classrooms for our schools.
But before the Manos Unidas decides to cooperate they want to know the New Renato and its work first.
So this summer they will travel to Zambia to convince themselves about the our activities and to establish personal contact.
We will look forward to!

December 4th, 2012
We build new water pump near our nursery in Kashitu. Look at the photos.